Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Junior High 3: Tuesday

Our week with our third group of Junior High campers is off to an awesome start!!

We have a smaller group of campers this week, so we have some special things planned for them that we don't get to do with bigger groups! We are so excited they're here, and we can't wait to see what this week holds!

They arrived Monday morning and we've been going ever since!

This morning the boys started the day off with Polar Bearing bright and early! Then everyone gathered around the flagpole to stretch and get warmed up for a new day. We took a short fun run to the Dining Hall, and settled in around tables for a delicious breakfast of pancakes and sausage.

After breakfast, we all headed back to our cabins to clean them up and decorate to the theme of "Old Testament Prophets!" The cabin with the cleanest cabin and best decorations later gets to enter into lunch first, whilst carrying the flaming torch (plunger wrapped in tin foil)! It's such a high honor.

When our cabins were spic and span and creatively decorated, we went out with our cabin groups to start Bible Study. This week we will be studying 1 John with our campers. They each have a booklet with the passages printed in them, and they have the opportunity to dissect the text by creating a color code and highlighting, underlining, and circling certain words and phrases. This has the camper read the passage over a few times, which furthers understanding. After they go through and mark up the page, we come back together to discuss any questions we had, as well as how this passage can teach us what it means and looks like to be "Alive" in Christ.

Today our cabins looked at 1 John chapter 2!

After Bible study with our cabins, the choice activities for the day begin! Today's choice activities included soccer, dodgeball, crafts, nine-square, carpet ball, archery, and disc golf!

When we all completed both of our awesome choice activities for the day, it was time for lunch! Cabin 5A got to enter first, holding the flaming torch/trophy, as their cabin was the cleanest and had the best decorations! Great job, boys! Today's lunch was Mac & Cheese, corn bread, peaches, and cookies for dessert! It sure hit the spot :)

Following lunch, we went back to our cabins for rest time so we could recharge for the rest of the day!

After a refreshing nap, we all went out to begin the rotations for the day. Today the boys started out with making this week's craft, while the girls worked on team building activities. After a break at Snack Shack, the boys and girls switched activities! When both the boys and girls had enjoyed both rotations, everyone headed down to the beach together for swim time!

When rotations came to a close for the day, the camp was opened up for free time.

Following free time, it was time to go inside for a tasty dinner! Tonight's dinner was tacos of course, because it's "Taco Tuesday!!" :)

When our bellies were filled with tacos, we went outside to play the evening game. Tonight's evening game was Goldrush!

After a great game of Goldrush, we all went into the chapel to sing songs and hear a great message. This week's chapel speaker is Matthew Cable!

When Matthew's message came to a close, we went out with our cabin groups to discuss things we heard about in chapel. After some great discussion, we will play our night game, which tonight is the classic Counselor Hunt!

Our week is off to such a great start! It's our hope that God would deepen and bless relationships between campers as well as between campers and staff. We are continuously praying that each camper would be open to receiving what God has to teach them this week. It looks like it's going to be a super fun week! God is moving! Here's to the rest of the week! :)

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