Thursday, June 30, 2016

Junior High 2: Thursday

We are still having an awesome week with our Junior High campers! We've packed so many fun activities into our week, and we still have so much more fun to have! We aren't done yet :)

This morning we started off at flag pole with some stretches and a fun run to get warmed up for our chilly morning. Then we headed into the Dining Hall to eat breakfast together.

After eating a yummy breakfast we went back to our cabins to clean up and decorate to today's theme of "Bible stories from the Old Testament!" Our campers definitely channeled some inner creativity for their decorations!

When our cabins were clean and decorated, we went out with our cabins for Bible study. Today's Bible study focused on 1 John chapter 4, which talks even more  about loving our brothers and sisters, and how "perfect love drives out fear." We had some great discussion about what that can look like in our own lives, as well as how these things can make us Alive with Christ.

After our Bible studies, choice activities for the day began! Today's choice activities included canoeing/kayaking, archery tag, disc golf, crafts, game room, hiking at Merry Lea, carpet ball, and a "Q&A" time with our chapel speaker, Brad Eckerley and his wife, Tish Eckerley (who is also an active reader of this blog, so here's a shout-out to Tish! :)

Following some great choice activities for the day, we gathered together for another delicious lunch of soup and grilled cheese! When our bellies were full of the awesome food our wonderful cooks prepared, we went back to our cabins for rest time in order to have enough energy for the rest of the day!

When rest time came to an end, it was time for Rotations to start up! Today's rotations included swimming, the famous slip 'n slide, and preparing with our cabins for tonight's cabin skits! We had a lot of fun on the slip 'n slide as usual, and everyone prepared some really creative, funny skits for later in the night!

After rotating, allowing each cabin to enjoy each activity, the camp was open for free time. Everything that's usually open for free time was an option, plus the tournaments continued on through today!

Following free time, we headed to the Dining Hall for a great dinner of baked potatoes, corn, ham, baked pineapple, and banana pudding for dessert! It was a very satisfying meal!

When dinner came to a close, we gathered together for chapel! We worshipped together, and got to hear Brad speak again tonight. Tonight Brad spoke about the gifts that God has for us, and how we can draw closer to God together. After he was done speaking, we set out with our cabin groups to have a short discussion with one another.

After some great cabin discussion and processing, we gathered together to watch some very entertaining skits! The campers definitely had a lot of fun putting them together, and they were also really fun to watch!

When the skits came to a close, we went off to bed to rest up for another fun-filled day of camp. We're having such an awesome week with these campers. It's been so much fun to grow alongside them, and to watch them interact and grow with each other as well. We are still praying that God would continue to move within each of them and that this week would be a stepping stone to living a life with Christ even after they leave here.

We can't wait to see what the rest of the week holds for us!

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