Friday, June 10, 2016

Primary Overnight

Our Primary Overnight campers have arrived!!

We are so excited that our very first group of campers are here! We have had a day packed to the brim with fun, and there's still activities left to enjoy before they go home!

To begin the day, our campers arrived and unpacked their stuff. Bobby the Bear was wandering around to greet our campers, and our counselors were stationed and beyond ready to meet their campers in the cabins!

After getting settled in and saying goodbye to the parents, we headed down to the gym to get things started! First we introduced our counselors and staff and went over some basic rules. Next we kicked off our scavenger hunt with our cabins! We were looking for all sorts of things, from pine cones to fuzzy objects. One cabin even got to find Bobby Bear!

After our scavenger hunt, we went back to the Dining Hall and had a delicious lunch of hot dogs, fruit, mac & cheese, and popsicles for dessert prepared by our wonderful cooks! Then we all headed back to our cabins to change and to lay down for a little bit.

Next the boys headed down to the lake for some refreshing and much needed swim time, while the girls went to make an awesome bookmark craft and play a game of "Captain's Orders." After that, the boys and girls switched activities!

Then we had some free time and got to eat some popcorn and lemonade at the picnic tables!

After our tasty snack that hit the spot, the girls loaded up on the hay wagon to go down a path through some wooded area. It was a beautiful day and we saw dragon flies, a blue bird, butterflies and some beautiful scenery! It was wonderful to sit back and enjoy God's creation together. Meanwhile, the boys were playing an awesome game of kickball! When the girls got back, the boys and girls switched activities!

After those activities we got to hang out and have some free time around camp. We got to swing, play tether ball, GaGa, Carpetball, and other fun games!

Then the bell rang and we ran off to a delicious dinner of homemade pizza, applesauce, and ice cream for dessert! We sure are blessed to have such a wonderful kitchen staff to make such yummy food.

After dinner, we had an all camp game down on the field. It was a super fun game of "Buzz Lightyear!" Our campers had such a great time running around and playing hard!

After our game, we all headed towards the Chapel for some worship and a lesson. Monty talked to us about what it means to be "Alive" with Christ, and we sang some great songs. It was great to reflect on how our great our God is together as a camp. 

Following worship we gathered around the campfire outside and enjoyed some snacks before heading off to bed. It has been such a great day, and we have had so much fun! Our first group of campers have been wonderful, and we can't wait for what we have in store tomorrow morning before they head home.

We hope they have each had a great time with us at camp, and we really hope they come back later this year or next year! Primary Overnight has been amazing, and we can't wait for what God has in store next!

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