Thursday, July 23, 2015

Junior 3: Thursday

Our week is winding down with our Junior campers, but we aren't done yet! :)

Cabin 3 went Polar Bearing this morning (Cabin 5 went yesterday...typo in yesterday's blog!), and the rest of us got up at the usual time to meet around the flag pole to stretch and get warmed up for a new day. After flag pole, we all headed in for another delicious breakfast!

When breakfast came to an end, it was time to get to our cabins and clean them up! Today's theme for cabin clean up was "The Zoo!" Those who brought stuffed animals with them to camp were especially excited. :) Cabin 4A won cabin clean-up today, for their cleanliness and creativity. They set up an entrance to their zoo, complete with someone handing out tickets. Great job boys!

When our cabins were cleaned and decorated, we all broke off into our cabin groups to have Bible study. Today's Bible study can be found in John 21:1-25. This passage discusses when Jesus appears to His disciples for the third time since He had risen from the dead.

Following great discussions about this passage and what it means to us today, we headed to our choice activities. Today's choice activities included fishing, swimming, crafts, GaGa, another beautiful hike, sidewalk chalk on the basketball court, fishing, archery/slingshots, and disc golf! The kids that went on the hike today had a blast, and took lots of silly pictures!

After everyone went through both of their choice activities, everyone headed in for lunch, followed by some cabin time. When everyone was rested up and ready to go again, we all went down to the gym to learn about the end of camp game called Mêleé, which is a game that challenges the campers to memorize their Bible verses amongst other things. The campers have been working on memorizing their verses throughout the week so they will be ready for the game. This week to get "immunity" in the game, you must memorize 3 verses! So far it seems as though they are doing a great job with their verses. :)

When everyone learned about Mêleé, it was time to start rotations with our teams! Today's rotations included learning more about Mêleé as a team, and swim time. Today during swim time, the teams competed to see who could bury their counselor faster. The counselors were just thrilled as you can imagine, but the kids were even more into it!

Following rotations, free time was opened around the camp. When free time came to a close, it was time to head in for a yummy dinner!

After supper, we began our evening activity. Tonight's evening activity was a classic game of Counselor Hunt! It was a great game, and everyone had a blast. When the Counselor Hunt comes to an end, it will be time for chapel and worship in the gym.

Our week is slowly coming to a close, but we still have a lot of important things to do and learn tomorrow as well! We have had so much fun so far, and we're all excited for what's to come!

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