Friday, July 17, 2015

Junior High 2: Friday

We have been having a great last full day with our Junior High campers!

Yesterday was a very busy day filled with lots of fun, including the slip 'n slide!!

Last night we watched a powerful Billy Graham video which included testimonies from the Christian rapper Lecrae, as well as Christian rock singer, Lacey Sturm. This video sparked great conversation between the campers and their cabin mates and counselors.

We then topped off an awesome night last night with cabin skits, and they were all very memorable! Every camper was laughing hysterically at some point last night. They all did a great job putting together skits to make everyone laugh. :)

This morning we started off the day with breakfast and cabin clean-up. Today's theme was the classic "Bribes and Boobytraps." The boys of Cabin 5B won today, for their pranks that definitely worked on the judges. Which included getting tangled in fishing line. Very clever, boys! :) Cabin 5B received the honor of the flaming plunger and entering into lunch first.

After Cabin clean-up, everyone broke off to do Bible study with our cabins. Today's Bible study can be found in Acts 4:1-22. This passage describes Peter and John standing before the council declaring that Jesus is the Christ, whom the council killed and God resurrected from the dead, and they were not going to stop speaking to the people about Him.

This passage presents challenges to us as well as inspires us. Today's Bible study was a great ending to our week long Bible study on taking a deeper look into following Christ.

Following Bible studies, it was time for choice activities. Today's choice activities included volleyball, dodgeball, fishing, "Canoedooling," crafts, carpet ball, GaGa, basketball and more!

Once we finished choice activities, it was time to head to the dining hall for every camper's favorite lunch: homemade pizza! :)

After lunch it was time for cabin time, followed by rotations. Today the teams rotated between swim time, assigning Mêleé tasks for tonight's game, and recreation time in the gym. When rotations came to a close, it was time for some free time and the conclusion of the various tournaments that have been going on this week.

Following free time, it was time for our camp cookout for dinner. Everyone headed down to the pavilion to eat at picnic tables with their cabins and then to spend time outside together. When everyone was filled up with yummy food and ready to get going again, we all went back up the hill to get ready for Mêleé!

It was a great game of Mêleé, and we had a pretty good number of immunities! It's always awesome to watch campers work on their memory verses throughout the week, and then to see it pay off in a fun game. More importantly though, it's awesome to see them leave camp with memory verses tucked away in their hearts, ready to face the world!

When Mêleé was over, it was time for chapel in the gym. We had an amazing worship session and message tonight, putting a cherry on top of everything we've learned this week. Following chapel, everyone had a chance to spend some time with their cabins to discuss what they've learned this week, but to also actually write down how they are going to carry out what they've learned once they return home to their "normal" routines. This helps and challenges campers to actually apply everything they've learned to their lives in a personal, tangible, realistic way.

When we have finished discussing this week with our cabins, it will be time to end the day with our boys campfire, and our girls campfire. This will be a time to sing a few songs together and end the day with fellowship. It will then be time to head to bed, we have had some VERY busy days, packed with fun activities.

We have had an awesome week with this great group of Junior High kids! While we are sad to see them go, we can't wait for all that they're going to do for the kingdom of God in the upcoming year, and we can't wait for them to all come back! 

It's been a week filled to the brim with fun, and seeds have definitely been planted in their hearts, and Jesus has definitely began growing those seeds in them. Here's to another great week! God is so good! :)

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